16-24th of September 2024.
Following the highly successful pilgrimages to France, Greece, Romania, Finland, Turkey,
Egypt, the Black Sea, The Holy Land, Russia, Armenia, Georgia, Serbia and Bulgaria, the
society is now organising a pilgrimage to North Macedonia. Our itinerary will take us to old
and new monasteries and aside from these magnificent Christian monuments, we shall
have the opportunity to savour the fine cuisine and wines of these territories, experience
something of their cultures, and marvel at the astonishingly beautiful landscapes and
If you wish to participate in this event, please notify Dimitri Conomos, our team leader, as
soon as possible (details in the attachment) by
completing the form below and posting it together with a deposit of £500 (which is part of
the commitment price mentioned below) per person by 1 July 2024. Cheques should be made
payable to the FRIENDS OF MT ATHOS PILGRIMAGE ACCOUNT. With restricted numbers the
selection will be made on a first-come basis. The deposit is non-refundable.
It is incumbent on all delegates to have their own up-to-date travel insurance, as FOMA
cannot be held responsible for any claims arising from accidents or other mishaps occurring
on the pilgrimage.
Please see the attached flyer for more information: