
Elder Avvakum of Mount Athos by Serhii Shumylo

Elder Avvakum of Mount Athos. The Life of Athonite Hieroschemamonk Avvakum (Vakarov), 1899–1972. Oxford/Kyiv: The Friends of Mount Athos, International Institute of the Athonite Legacy, 2021. 108 pp., illustrated. Price: £10 + p&p Published in 2021 by the International Institute of Athonite Legacy, of which Shumylo is director, and by the Friends of Mount Athos, and with a foreword by the late Metropolitan Kallistos of Dioklieia, this is the latest of Shumylo’s works translated into English. It is based on little-known archival sources. Elder Avvakum came from Transcarpathia, was a disciple of St Silouan of Athos and knew St Sophrony the Athonite. Other Transcarpathians came to the Mountain and helped preserve St Panteleimonos monastery in its years of decline. The book’s author is a Ukrainian historian specialising in Mount Athos. He gained a PhD in history and doctorate in theology in his native country where he was recognised as a Merited Cultural Worker and Honorary Local Historian, and held various distinguished posts. He is now a Visiting Research Fellow in the Department of Religion and Theology at Exeter University.

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